DIY Projects

DIY projects are super popular now, and learning how to cook or doing crafts and building projects for the home have our interest.
Tie dying is rampant and everyone is a tie dye expert. I want to share a real 1970’s tie dye technique that I used back then, that still looks amazing.

Take a pair of jeans or jeans jacket and take rubber band and pinch the fabric, pull it and 2 inches to 3 inches down wrap a heavy rubber band around nice and tight.

Then do another 2 inches down and another 1 inch down. Create a pattern over the entire jean.

Then put on a triple mask and heavy rubber gloves and pour bleach in a bowl. Dip the pulled sections into the bleach. Make sure they are fully soaked.

Then after you complete the dipping place the jeans into a washing machine with more bleach to pull out the color of the basic jeans if you want them to be lighter shade.

Wash the jeans 2 times with the rubber bands to rinse the bleach out completely. Then place the jeans in the dryer and when fully dried remove the rubber bands with a small scissor. Give them a good shake and try them on. They will get better with age.
Here are some of my hand dyed pieces:

And here are some current styles-